Monday, October 13, 2014

The 28th Amendment

                I believe a 28th amendment should be proposed to disband the Electoral College and make presidential election and other important votes solely in the hands of the citizens of the United States.

I believe the people should have the deciding say in who is leading their country. We are the majority.  I believe if this was truly a democratic nation we should have the deciding vote in who rules us. I also believe this amendment should state that each presidential candidate is given an equal and fixed amount for campaigning and they should have to keep records on the amount spent. This addition would give every candidate a fair chance to campaign equally to the people.  Thus making the lesser known candidates  of lesser known party’s apparent to the people. That way we can make a well-educated decision on who leads us.


  1. I am in coincidence with your amendment. I think that the electoral college should be gone. I also think that a fixed amount should be given.

  2. I agree with your ideas. I agree that "People should have the deciding say in who is leading their country" . This is really good point.

  3. I agree with the equal campaign but disagree with the rest. I have explained in class just campaign to a majority of people say NY, California, Texas, and Florida and you would win. In the electoral they hold like a third of the power rather than over half.

  4. I agree with this amendment. I think that the peoples votes should count for the election. The only problem would be that the bigger states would have more influence.

  5. I like the fixed amount campaign contribution idea. I can tell you put some thought into this.

  6. I agree with all of this. I believe being equal is being right. people should get to vote and it should count as an election no matter what.

  7. I also agree to have the electoral college disbanded. The people should have the deciding vote on who rules us. #Power to the people.

  8. I like the idea of disbanding the electoral college. Giving people the vote would be the true meaning of democracy. #Power to the people
