Monday, April 27, 2015

Death and Taxes

What Have You Done For Me Uncle Sam?
Taxes. Argument over unfair taxation is basically how this country was founded. How do we so soon forget what unfair taxation looks like. I believe taxes like income and land taxes are unfair to Americans. I worked for that money. The government did nothing to earn it. Most people would come back with the argument, well what about your social security and Medicare? Well by the time I’m old enough to use that it’ll all be gone. There will be nothing left. No aid for the devout tax payer who relied on the government to take good care of when he was unable to work.  And land tax? Sure we live in the united states, but did they buy the land? Well technically yes some of it, but they make more in a year of land tax than it ever cost them to buy it in the first place. Why should they be able to tax the land that I bought, where I will build or grow things that will require supplies, which are taxed and to top it offI will buy it all with my already taxed income?  Doesn’t it make perfect sense?  Now I’m not one hundred percent against taxes. I believe taxes to build infrastructure (things we actually use, roads, bridges, side, walk, etc, etc, etc) is necessary. In this day and age we need roads to keep the system running like a well-oiled machine. Every American is affected by roads no matter where they live.  I believe a flat tax would be a better less complicated way to run the tax system. Everybody pays the same percent of their income to the government If your poor, middle or upper class. Let them sort out what percent goes where and who gets what amount of taxpayer dollars for that year.  There’s only two sure things in life, death and taxes. There’s no way around it. I can sit here all day and complain, but in the end I’m going to have to pay my taxes.

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